Datacomm - Credit Active Seniors
Audience Profile Reach credit active consumers age 55+ who have opened a new line of credit or self-reported a change of address to a credit grantor within the last 30 days.
Datacomm's credit actives seniors age 55+ is ideal for offers that promote senior health and wellness and that address issues of importance to seniors: financial security & estate planning, social security/Medicare, and insurance.
We also recommend Datacomm credit active seniors age 55+ for charitable/health cause fundraising appeals, senior / retirement publications, travel packages and merchandise offers that cater to the needs of mature consumers.
Datacomm credit actives seniors age 55+ is selectable by age, gender, income, household ownership, credit activity and more.
Selections In addition to the standard selections, all names can be selected by any one of 520 demographic datapoints including telephone numbers. Typical selection charges range between $2.50/M and $8.00/M. List owner will build custom media segments and will tailor the media rentals and deployment to meet mailer’s marketing budgets.
Email Deployment
List owner can back postal mail with "pre" and "post" notifications, like offers or reinforcement direct mail offers with matching email deployments as well as expand online reach with up to 10,000,000 additional email names with like affinities.
Cancellation Policy: Orders cancelled prior to the mail date will incur the following charges: $10/M Running Charges on quantity shipped; 100% of all selection charges; media and shipping fees and a $75 flat cancellation charge. Orders cancelled after the mail date will be charged in full. |